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Dissemination initiatives

Our goals: dissemination of our project result products, reaching more education staff and teachers who are our target audience, sharing our experiences, exchanging ideas about learning in nature and digital eco games


Multiplier event in Adana

The last TPM was held in Adana, Turkey, in order to finalize activities, disseminate results, and demonstrate the project outputs. A multiplier event, that involved teachers, trainers and authorities was organized for this purpose

Wołomin- POLAND

Kick off Meeting

The 1st TPM, which was held in Poland in June 2022, was organised by Polish Primary school nr 7 in Wołomin. Its purpose was to share our cultures, views and expectations among partners in order to get to know each other better and plan future activities and deadlines. 
At this first meeting, the partners made long-term agreements on the overall organisation of the project. Polish coordinator presented Polish education system, Polish students prepared presentations about the town and the school. There were meetings and discussions about Polish education system and the scope of ecology based games, activities it offers, the difficulties and conveniences in this regard. Participants discussed the possibilities for the project results and ways to achieve the project objectives and the division of the budget. It was also the meeting where partners got to know Polish culture and traditions. Polish students and teachers presented traditional artistic program. Partners attended also environmental ecology lesson organised 
by the teachers and students from primary education, on the topic of micro-plastics. There was also a tree planting session where each partner planted a magnolia tree. Teachers attended 
in the workshop ”My Eco-Bag” , an activity where each teacher had to use the symbols of their own country to complete their work. During this visit there was also organised the trip 
to Cracow- the previous capital city of Poland and Warsaw- current capital city. Teachers had the opportunity to learn Polish history as well meet with Polish traditions and dances during dance workshop. The first TPM was the time were partners tied the first bonds of friendship.


Developing Digital Ecogames

The theme of water was chosen for the activities in Brindisi. Consistent with the topic, the first to be tested was the indoor game The Mystery of Castel del Monte, which connects history topics with art history and UNESCO heritage, using a methodology between debate and gamification. Castel del Monte is a UNESCO monument whose history is controversial, therefore, starting from the scholars' discussion about its original function, a game-contest was prepared between teams who, by discussing various interpretative hypotheses, earned points according to the strength of their arguments. After this first game, a visit to the monument provided support for the various conjectures on which the teams challenged each other as, using photos taken of the monument (photo safari), the teams prepared a digital 'Guess what' game to make their position on the interpretation of Castel del Monte's function clear. The winning team received as a prize a model of the monument made with TinkerCAD and printed in 3D. On the same theme of water, the digital game, the Nearpod….on water waste was played  Similarly, the outdoor games were set up: team game in the form of a relay race to reconstruct the map of the garden around the Seaman's Monument (site observation);  team game to mark on the newly reconstructed map the position of certain signs called “lanterns” (recognition of natural and man-made elements);  teams exchange maps and must find the lanterns placed by their opponents (recognition and interpretation). The lanterns carry a clue-phrase for the next game.  The teams completed the text provided by the game master, on the theme of water saving, using the clues found along the way.  Photographic treasure hunt in Brindisi, whose stops were: the port, the fountains of Brindisi, and the limestone basins of the Roman era. During the LLTA in Brindisi there were workshops on the most widely used applications for game-based learning: Genially, Nearpod, TinkerCAD, Cospaces.


Meeting Follow up and monitoring Meeting

Adana Turkey Meeting Follow up and monitoring The 1st midterm meeting of our project was held at our project school partner, Salbaş Anatolian High School in Adana/Turkiye. The first day of the 3-day meeting started with the warm welcome of our Turkish students and colleagues, school introductions and opening speeches. Afterwards, the participants were informed about Turkish culture and history through folk dances, songs, meals, Adana city tour and Adana museum visit. Then, an interim evaluation and progress report of our project was written. Ideas were exchanged regarding the designs of our final products, "Ecogames with Green packs and Green Guidebook". The division of labor between partners has been structured. On the last day of the meeting, an art exhibition was visited, which exhibited works of art created by Salbaş Anatolian High School students over the course of a year, in honor of our project.


Developing activity packs and outdoor games

This LTTA involved 2 teachers and 4 students from the 4 schools. The purpose of the mobility was to test games, adapt them to target players/disciplines and check their correspondence with the curricular objectives of the lesson plans, in order to shape the Green Guide (IO2). Therefore, the activities were as follows: - Indoor and outdoor games were held in Liepepue Patmaskola. - Workshops and interactive games at NBR NC- North Vidzeme Bioshere Reserve Nature Center; - Animal game at the Gauja National Park (managed by the Nature Protection Board) of Līgatne, conducted through nature trails in the forest, with the aim of familiarising park visitors with Latvia's natural values and local species of wild plants and animals. The trails were of varying degrees of difficulty, given by their length (4 to 5 km), he covering (soil or gravel) and the presence of wooden stairs. In addition to activities more closely related to the project results, the following cultural experiences were conducted: - pottery workshop at the 'CEPĻI'; - Visit to Cēsis and its 13th century castle; - Visit to the Munchausen Museum; - Excursion to Scar Medows, Light House; - Traditional bakery "LIELEZERS “ - Visit to Live Silver Museum; - Visit to the Youth Centre (BJC), folk music and dances; - Guided tour of Rīga and the National Library Finally, the participants were welcomed by the chairman of the county council of Limbaži, visited the Vidzeme Technical school of Design and Technology and Daibe waste sorting landfill, where experienced other games and were acquainted about the importance of waste sorting. After this mobility all participants gained knowledge about eco-schooling, outdoor games and nature based learning, gained experience about different education systems, developed common content on ecology based activities for different disciplines and got to know different cultures.

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